Arrival/Dismissal Procedures


  • K-8 Students: Please enter through the main entrance on 10th Avenue between 7:50 and 8:00 am. Students will gather in the cafeteria and be seated with their classes. The school day begins promptly at 8:00 am.
  • Kindergarten (modification for September 5 and 6 only): Arrive at 8:30 am through the main entrance. Kindergarten students will be guided to their classrooms and will be dismissed at 2:00 pm from Exit 4 (left of the playground at 10th Ave and 201st St).


  • K-5 Students: Dismissal starts at 2:16pm from the plaza in front of the playground on 10th Ave and 201st St.
  • 6-8 Students: Dismissal begins at 2:14 pm from Exit 4 (left of the playground at 10th Ave and 201st St).
  • Kindergarten (modification for September 5 and 6 only): Dismissal at 2:00 pm from Exit 4.

Breakfast/Early Drop off

Starting Monday, September 9th, we will provide breakfast and early drop-off services from 7:30 am to 7:50 am in the cafeteria. Students should enter through the main entrance on 10th Avenue.

Metrocards & Busing

Transportation eligibility is determined by the Office of Pupil Transportation and is based on a student’s grade level, walking distance between home and school, and existing accommodations based on a medical condition, housing status, or safety assessment. You can find more details on the DOE’s Division of Transportation’s website here: life/transportation/bus-eligibility. For questions, contact Ms. Felix, our transportation coordinator, at 917-521-2060 ext.1213.