
The Parent-Teacher Association of PS/MS278 Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization.


Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. If you have questions about the many ways you can support our school through donations, please contact PTA Treasurer Seana Wyman at

Mission Statement

The Parent-Teacher Association of PS/MS 278 Inc. is the community of parents, guardians, teachers and administrators within our school. Our mission is to cultivate the community participation, programs, and funding needed to sustain a rich learning environment for our children. Together we work to encourage parent collaboration in our children’s education, school governance and decision-making; to organize and raise funds for activities, enrichment programs and capital improvements; and to facilitate communication and a cooperative working relationship between the families and the staff of our school.

Ways to Donate

Electronic Donations

Paylite logo that links to psms278 donations page

 If you want to make a gift with Zellepay, please send the payment to


boxtops for eduction logo
Our school earns 10 cents for every box top collected. Schools can receive up to $20,000 per school year from clipped Box Tops. Imagine what we can do with $20,000? New books, supplies, field trips, new program funding and more!

The Box Tops for Education APP allows users to earn cash for their school by using the Box Top App. Use the App to scan your receipt for the purchase of Box Tops participating products. Earnings are directly deposited into our 278 account! Just shop and scan and earn money for 278!


amazon logo links to PSMS 278 donation oage
Every time you place an order online a portion of the proceeds will go to the the PTA. Simply go to: and when prompted to choose your charity enter: Parent-Teacher Association of PSMS 278 Inc.


Donors Choose logo links to psms 278 donation page

Many of our teachers raise funds for projects, trips and supplies directly for their classrooms. Examples have been trips to Radio City Christmas Spectacular, laptops, iPods, art supplies, books and so much more!

Other Ways to Give

  1. Checks – Please make checks payable to ‘The PTA of PSMS 278’ and mail it to: PTA Treasurer 421 West 219th Street New York, NY 10034.
  2. Credit Card – PSMS 278 PTA accepts credit card donations!  Please click here to make a credit card donation through our paylite page.
  3. Sponsor-A-Program– here are some of the wonderful programs our school offers (and if you have ideas for other programs, please contact , see examples below)
  • Ipads for students in the classrooms
  • The 92nd Street Y Dance and Music Program
  • Wellness Council and Healthy Habits Programs
  • Library Modernization
  • The Green Team
  • Spring Fair
  • The 278 Music Program

When you give money directly to PSMS 278, you help fund programs including:

  • Schoolwide Enrichment Model Programs
  • Paraprofessional and staff positions
  • 8th Grade overnight trips
  • English Language Learners Literacy
  • Journalism at 278 (Grades K-8)
  • Music (including the Music in the Brain Program)
  • Art Classes
  • Much more!