Welcome to PSMS 278! The Paula Hedbavny School- Inspiring and Empowering Future Leaders

Attendance Policy

Every Student, Every Day

The classroom is a better place when your child is there. This policy will provide you with the information and guidance you need to help you help your child attend and stay in school.

Attendance matters. Research shows that students who attend regularly achieve greater success in school and in life. Missing a day of school means missing hours of instructional time. Our school’s collective goal for attendance remains the same-- we want every child attending school every day or at least 95% of the school year.

Our school will take attendance each morning at 8:00am during the first period.

Our school uses the following methods to communicate with families about  attendance:  

  • Teacher/staff phone calls
  • Jupiter messages
  • Automated Robocalls

It is very important for the school to have families’ up-to-date contact information. To make sure we can reach you, please alert us of any changes to your address or phone number by contacting the main office. In addition, all parents should have completed a Blue Card the first week of school.

  • Students must be present in the building. Attendance is a legal record of whether the student was in school or not.
  • Students will only engage in remote learning per DOE directive (e.g. snow day) In these cases only:
  • Students will be marked “present” remotely if they engage in the remote learning activities provided by their teacher. To be marked “present” remotely, students should log into their Google Classroom by 8:00 am and complete the attendance form.
  • The classroom teacher must be contacted via Jupiter if the student encounters any challenges signing in or accessing the day’s learning.

While every single absence is equal to missed instructional time, we nonetheless mark absences as excused and unexcused. Please provide us with information on the reason for your child’s absence. Here is what you need to know regarding excused and unexcused absences:

Excused Absences Include: Unexcused absences include:
– Temporary illness, injury or death in
the family
– Quarantine under the direction of a
health official
– Medical appointments
– Participation in religious observances
Extended vacation
– No reason provided

All student absences must be reported to the school by the family, regardless if excused or unexcused. Message Ms. Campos and your child’s teacher/s on Jupiter

  • A student whose attendance rate is less than 90% is considered chronically absent. Having 90% attendance means a student is missing 18+ days over a school year—a month of instruction.
  • A student who arrives after 8:00 am will be marked present, but late.
  • If you know your child is going to be late on a certain day, please let your child’s teacher/s know through a Jupiter message.
  • If your child is going to leave early on a certain day, please notify the school by contacting your child’s teachers and Ms. Campos through a Jupiter message.
  • If your child normally takes the school bus home, please inform your child’s teachers and Ms. Felix through a Jupiter message.
  • Note that early pickup ends at 1:30pm.

If a child is absent or late, grades, coursework, or exams could be affected. Here is what you need
to know regarding our grading policies and how we support our students with make-up work:

  • Parents should remain in communication with their child’s teachers via Jupiter for any missed assignments / make-up assignments.
  • See more information in our Grading and Homework Policy.

If you believe your child’s attendance was marked incorrectly, please contact Ms. Campos via Jupiter.