PTA Committee Information

What are the PTA committees and how do they work?

A committee is simply a group of parents and teachers looking for ways to help PS/MS 278 by figuring out what needs to be done, how, where, when and by whom. The committees turn ideas into actions that have a positive impact on the school and the children.
Current committees are:

Our community is better able to collaborate when families know one another, are well informed, and share a common sense of purpose.

This team oversees things like the PS/MS 278 PTA website, the production of the PTA handbook, enhancing e-mail communication, and the development of posters, flyers, invitations and other materials needed to promote school events.

Volunteers who contribute their talents and skills in this area include translators, graphic designers, writers and editors, photographers, interactive/web specialists and others with skills in and a passion for helping improve the flow of information between the school, the PTA and the community.

Without outside financial support, the school cannot achieve its mission. This committee works to raise the funds that support school events, after-school and enrichment programs, and capital improvements to equipment and facilities.

This team takes a creative and wide-ranging approach to fundraising through special events, sales, soliciting support from local businesses, and grant writing.

Help is needed from those who enjoy event planning and generating support for a good cause! In the grant-writing area, we need those with good web research skills to identify appropriate grant opportunities, and with writing skills and/or experience building budgets to complete grant applications. Prior experience writing grant applications is welcomed, but not required!

The volunteers on this committee are the ones to thank for making sure that many of our events are amply supplied with food and beverages, whether it be the larger-scale community events or some pizza for the kids while their parents attend PTA Meetings.

Those with a flair for hosting and entertaining will enjoy serving on the the Hospitality Committee. While some members provide consistent support, aiding the core hospitality crew is a great way to get involved on an occasional basis if that’s what your schedule will permit.

Life in an urban environment presents a host of challenges to the health and safety of our children.

This committee is working to improve traffic safety, the cleanliness and appearance of the neighborhood around the school, and to minimize pollution in the area, as well as to provide greater opportunities for outdoor recreation and exposure to greenery and gardens.

Volunteers who enjoy community outreach as well as those with specific expertise in environmental issues are needed to work with local businesses and government agencies on ways to improve the school environs. Other goals are to improve the play yard and develop the roof to include a greenhouse, and anyone with interest or skills in those areas will be welcomed!

The Nominating Committee is a temporary committee, elected by the parent body at large at the February General Meeting to solicit candidates for officers to serve on the executive board and for the School Leadership Team, as well as to determine their eligibility. They present nominations at the March general meeting, and run the elections, which must take place before May 1st. Staff members are not allowed to serve on the Nominating Committee.

Parents that serve on the Audit Committee must be selected by the general membership. The Audit Committee serves as an oversight board to the audit rather than as auditors. An audit must be conducted once a year by an auditor who is not a member of the PTA or related to any member of the PTA.

No. Those who serve on these various committees determine their own agenda. However, there needs to be good dialogue between the committees and the Executive Board. A chairperson from each committee and the officers make up the Executive Board. Together, they work to coordinate goals and tasks and to ensure they are aligned with the mission of our school.

It’s easy! Just show up at any committee meeting uttering the magic words, “How can I help?”
And / or, respond to requests for volunteers for projects you can help with.

Please also join the Yahoo! Group “PS/MS 278 Community” to receive important announcements and participate in online conversations about what’s happening at our school.

If you want to know any more about any of this, board members are available during PTA office hours (Monday and Thursday, 8:30 – 9:30 a.m.) or via e-mail – see the Executive Board page for contact details.

The PTA of PSMS 278 is a volunteer organization. We all donate our time to improve the community and the school experience for the children of PSMS 278.

To volunteer at PSMS 278 contact Cassandra or Tamara at: